Vegan and Cruelty-free Makeup OLD
There’s an increasing awareness of the need for humans to be more respectful of the planet. This obviously extends to the creatures that inhabit our surroundings. Movements such as Veganuary have been great. They’ve got the message across that the food and fashion industries cause animals to suffer in innumerable ways. The cosmetics industry in particular is under pressure to eliminate the suffering that animal testing brings. But too often, this understanding has only gone skin-deep.
What does vegan and cruelty free actually mean?
When it comes to changing lifestyles, and picking products, people tend to fall back into old habits. And when it comes to makeup, many people don’t really understand what it means for products to be vegan and cruelty-free. So, what is value? In a nutshell cruelty free has historically always been associated with animal testing, and vegan means that the product doesn’t include any ingredients that have been derived from animals. While many makeup brands have been cutting out animal-derived ingredients, they’ve not always been cruelty free as well. But at Cult Candy we go the extra mile to ensure that every makeup product we produce is completely vegan, and meets the requirements of the Cruelty Free International Leaping Bunny programme, the best assurance that a brand is genuinely committed to removing animal testing from its supply chain.
No animal ingredients. Cruelty free. Every product.
Cult Candy’s commitment to providing vegan and cruelty free makeup is at the very core of our company. We guarantee that none of our makeup contains any animal ingredients or animal-derived ingredients. This includes, but is not limited to: albumen, beeswax (cera alba), carmine, casein, cholesterol, collagen, elastin, gelatin, glycerine, guanine, honey, keratin, lanolin, oleic acid, shellac, squalene, stearic acid and many other ingredients.
What’s more, we can proudly state that we are Leaping Bunny approved. A global programme, Leaping Bunny requires cruelty free standards over and above legal requirements.
The Cruelty Free International Leaping Bunny programme is the internationally recognisable gold standard for cruelty free products. We adhere to a fixed cut-off date policy and proactively monitor our suppliers to ensure that our products continue to adhere to the Leaping Bunny criteria. Our supplier monitoring system is also independently audited.
For more information about Cruelty Free International, Leaping Bunny and Leaping Bunny criteria, please visit